Trying out Newgrounds because Twitter sucks

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Donating to artists is pretty fun & sweet

Posted by Tyrannee - August 2nd, 2024

I've always wanted to try out commissions again and buying commissions from artists far more talented than I am, but I can easily recall my first time trying out commission work being short-lived. 1. is because I felt bad for putting a price on skills that I didn't feel 100% confident in, and 2., I was very anxious talking online which also didn't help :/

Around 5-6 years ago when I first started getting into pixel art, I thought of doing the odd cheap commission as a good motivator to continue drawing/improving as well as getting a subtle bonus in return. As of late, I've been thinking of doing the same thing with digital art; A small thing on the side while I try to get better.

It would probably just be £5 or something for a sketch with a slot or two, but it might be a good thing to try out next month/year...

On a similar topic, I've encouraged myself to support artists and might decide to buy some commissions in the next few days, but I forget that I need to actually have decent-looking OCs, so donating will be my go-to for the time being.

As for those OCs, I'll see what I can come up with next week. I want to redesign Juno but keep on falling into the trap of drawing the same thing, and there's been a jester character that's been stuck in my mind for a while...



"I was very anxious talking online which also didn't help", no need to be shy nor anxious, just be nice and polite, worthy people will be nice and polite back, if they're not, better just forget about them

An old friend once told me: we are all afraid, but some people hide it more than others.